Full-stack cyber security solutions provider in SingaporeHong Kong

Protect your business from cyber threats with our trusted and effective cybersecurity solutions.

our services

Custom Security Solutions


Assistance with eDiscovery in legal cases, helping you identify, collect and analyze electronic data using the latest eDiscovery tools.


Detecting eavesdropping devices using specialist electronic equipment for a thorough visual, electronic and physical examination.

Forensic Investigations

Investigative services for individuals and organizations, dealing with internal threats, cross-border issues and more.

Business Intelligence Services

Protecting businesses through due diligence, data privacy protection, surveys and market research.

Efficiently manage your ESI with our expert eDiscovery services


Improved Efficiency

Efficient process for eDiscovery, from data collection to production, reducing time and cost.


Customisable Solutions

Customized eDiscovery solutions that maximize efficiency and minimize costs for your unique case.


Defensible Results

We produce defensible results with strict quality control measures for accuracy, reliability, and admissibility.


Security & Confidentiality

Our eDiscovery solution prioritizes security and confidentiality, keeping your data safe and secure.

Stay protected with our cybersecurity services

Our expert team provides comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect your business from all types of cyber threats. Using the latest technology and techniques, we mitigate potential risks so you can focus on your business with confidence.

Our History

Founded in 2010, our team specializes in protecting clients from online threats with years of experience and expertise

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide exceptional cybersecurity solutions that protect businesses with the latest technologies and highest standards.

Our Team

Our diverse team of experts includes professionals from military, law enforcement, and government backgrounds, providing top-notch cybersecurity solutions.

Our Memberships and Associations

Our industry memberships keep us up-to-date and provide cutting-edge solutions for clients. Trust our expertise and commitment.

Contact Us

We would love to speak with you.
Feel free to reach out.

Our Blog

Checkout our blog for the latest news in cyberspace and tips to stay safe from cyber attacks.

Jessica Chew August 11, 2021

Are My Communications Secure?

We tend to think our instant messaging apps are entirely secure. More often times, it…

Jessica Chew February 17, 2021

Pegasus, meet Reign!

Pegasus continues to make news and this time it's Israeli citizens that are up in…